Recap: Bayla is at the general store doing an errand for Mrs. Cantor. She meets Margie Truman there and they head out together. Suddenly, a twister blows in. Margie takes her hand and tells her to run with her towards Margie’s grandmother’s house. Bayla is struck by a flying tree branch, and when they get inside the house, it’s clear she needs a doctor.

In last week’s article we introduced the basis for my approach to health & fitness based on CrossFit methodology, namely that there are 10 recognized general physical skills: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these 10 skills.  In the next couple of weeks, we are going to dive deeper into the yesodos (fundamentals) of this platform and hope to give a greater understanding of why I favor certain methods while purposely neglecting others. Much of this information is taken from the CrossFit Journal.

My husband Steve and I have been long-time fans of Israeli wines. One of the biggest treats for us is to introduce our friends and relatives to new wines. Needless to say, we unfortunately haven’t been able to do so as much over the past few months. Many years ago, we had a guest bring a bottle of Segal wine for Shabbat. Since that Shabbat, Segal wines have regularly been gracing our table as far back as me and my husband can remember. They are delicious, rich, and provide good value for money. Segal has a long history, and I decided it was time to share about their lovely wines in writing.

Recap: Bayla went to the general store for Mrs. Cantor and she met Margie Truman there. The girls are leaving the store together when the world turns green. Suddenly, there’s a tremendous roaring wind blowing everything in sight. Margie screams, “It’s a twister!”

Bewildered, waiting in darkness and doubt,

Will the real facts ever come out?

Will the election be given, to whom it belongs?

Or this is the death knoll,