Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld Way, a pledge announced at the recent Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills (YIKGH) dinner, was brought to fruition this past Sunday morning, August 21, at 150th Street and 70th Road, outside of the doors to the iconic shul that its namesake built. The street co-naming memorializes the Schonfeld family name in Kew Gardens Hills, giving a lasting legacy to the Queens Jewish community pioneer who broadly envisioned the flourishing frum neighborhoods of today’s Queens.

Rabbi Joey Haber, rav of Congregation Magen David in Brooklyn, visited Queens earlier this summer for a special night of inspiration on the life-altering topic of technology today. “Our job tonight is not to recite a token chapter of T’hilim. I need to shake your core. All of us must recognize and admit our weaknesses. Say no to the smartphone, and yes to a smart life.”

Rav Gav Friedman, an educator at Aish HaTorah Jerusalem, brought out the Orthodox Jewish young adults of Great Neck this past Wednesday, August 10, on behalf of the Chazaq organization.   The program, entitled “The Power of Tu B’Av,” was perfectly suitable for the eager audience seeking inspiration from the rav who had made a trip to the States for Tish’ah B’Av programming.

The p’tirah of Maran Chacham Shalom HaKohen Cohen zt”l has left the worldwide Sephardic Jewish community with an incalculable loss at his passing.   His l’vayah, held this past Monday, attracted tens of thousands of mourners, and was protected by 500 police officers, a helicopter, and drones; a prohibition on work was also instated during the time of the funeral. Chacham Shalom, born on November 3, 1930, was a preeminent Torah authority who, in extreme humility and modesty, stood at the helm of Yeshivat Porat Yosef on Rechov Yosef ben Matisyahu in Geulah, and led the Shas Party as its spiritual guide.   In recent days, the Rav’s condition deteriorated, since being admitted to Hadassah Ein Kerem, Yerushalayim, with an infection in his leg.