Midrash L’man Achai High School for Boys, based in Kew Gardens Hills, began the school year with educational hands-on activities in preparation for the Yamim Tovim. The bachurim studied the intricacies of the shofar and learned about the various forms of a ram’s horn. The boys then took turns blowing from the shofaros.
Prior to Rosh HaShanah, the talmidim visited Safra Judaica where they were presented with special machzorim Kol Yehudah to enhance their davening during the chag. The yeshivah’s tenth graders were also treated to an inspirational Shabbaton, the first for the school this year, hosted in the natural beauty of Tannersville, New York. There, the boys greatly enjoyed time well spent together with friends as they bonded with rebbeim while absorbing Hashem’s majestic world.