The First Grade students at the Bnos Malka Academy took part in a milestone event: the First Grade Siddur Play. Not only did each girl preform beautifully and receive her first siddur, they each decorated their own siddur cover. The presentations included an exploration of the siddur through song. It was indeed remarkable how much they have learned. Mrs. Herzberg and Mrs. Stochel, the first grade moros, did a wonderful job preparing the girls.
The performance, which included live music by Morah Rena Greenberg, was the perfect venue for the girls to display their poise, self-confidence, and enthusiasm. It is hard to say who was filled with more pride: the first graders or their parents and grandparents.
After the presentation concluded, the students were called up, one by one, to receive their siddurim from the Menahel, Rabbi Michael Weichselbaum. “Each year, we have a siddur play and present the girls with their siddurim; it never gets old. Their excitement is contagious.”