Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat was ushered into Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s Early Childhood Program on Monday with a fun and educational program. The boys gathered in the dining room and, after discussing the name of our new chodesh and the special yom tov of Tu BiSh’vat, the boys brainstormed to think of the many things we get from trees. Morah Ahuva wrote down all of the amazing answers on a big tree. From delicious fruits to schach for our sukkah, to paper and fresh air – thank you, Hashem, for all these wonderful things that we get from trees!
Next, the boys watched an educational video on how paper is made. It was amazing to see that the paper we use each day comes from trees! The program finished off with a fun and interactive game. After each class chose a representative, those boys worked together to try to figure out “What do we get from trees?” If their answer was one of the items under the box, then the box was lifted off. Each class received delicious Fruit by the Foot sponsored by the PA.