Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s fifth grade boys spent the beginning of the year preparing for the Gemara Mesibah. Their preparation included studying the background of Gemara and Torah She’b’al Peh. On Sunday morning, November 3, the fifth grade boys and their families joined with their rebbeim and menahalim to celebrate the initiation of the boys into the Yam HaTalmud.
Following Rabbi May’s welcoming the families and talmidim, Rabbi Elan Segelman, rav of Kehillas Torah Temimah, delivered an inspiring speech for both the talmidim and their parents. He discussed the challenge of learning Torah She’b’al Peh, and that each person’s learning plays a role in Hashem’s world. Rabbi Segelman wished the boys, their parents, and the rebbeim much hatzlachah as they continue their career in learning.
Rabbi May called up each boy and, together with his rebbe and Rabbi Segelman, presented him with his very first gemara. The talmidim, rebbeim, and their families jointly celebrated this milestone with mitzvah dancing and beautiful and delicious refreshments. The achdus and simchah exhibited by the talmidim was a highlight of the day.a