At YSZ, we are proud to offer three exciting programs designed to inspire growth, connection, and excellence in our talmidim: Yediyot Klaliyot, Matmidei HaShabbat, and The Hunt.

Yediyot Klaliyot motivates students to excel in their learning with a dynamic incentive system. By mastering topics, talmidim earn points that advance them through five levels, each with unique rewards. Colorful wristbands and ROAR-Cards – redeemable for prizes at our ROAR Store – keep the excitement alive as boys progress in their studies!

Matmidei HaShabbat, a national program embraced by many yeshivos, deepens our talmidim’s connection to Shabbat. Through learning tefillot, zemirot, and halachot of Shabbat, boys enhance their family’s Shabbat table experience and earn chances to win prizes in thrilling Matmidei HaShabbat raffles.

The Hunt, part of YSZ’s midos program, launched with a lively scavenger hunt that engaged talmidim in solving clues and participating in a raffle. This unique initiative encourages boys to discover their inner treasures by exploring their midos. Currently, they are focusing on Yekar Yekarim, emphasizing the inherent value of every person as being created in the image of Hashem.

Together, these programs empower our talmidim to grow academically, spiritually, and personally, fostering their development as well-rounded b’nei Torah.