This past Shabbos, the MTA juniors in Rabbi Mendelson’s shiur spent Shabbos in yeshivah in the presence of Moreinu HaRav Hershel Schachter shlita and Rav Yosef Blau shlita, along with Kerem B’Yavneh Rosh Yeshivah Rav Aharon Friedman and HaKotel Rebbe Jesse Horn, as well as YU rebbeim Daniel Feldman and Danny Rapp.

The learning and davening were tremendous, as the full beis midrash resounded with Torah and t’filah. The MTA talmidim were a true part of the yeshivah! Rabbi Bortz addressed the MTA late-night oneg Shabbos (after three hours of learning!) and HaRav Boruch Simion shlita, a YU rosh yeshivah who himself learned in MTA, spoke at the High School kiddush (before three hours of learning in the afternoon!!)

Besides Rabbi Mendelson’s divrei Torah and learning with the talmidim over Shabbos, he also taught them an unpublished song to the words of “Toras Hashem Temimah.” Many talmidim look back to the In-Shabbasos as turning points in their ahavas HaTorah and are already looking forward to the next one before the Iyun Final in January. Only MTA can offer such a yeshivah experience!!