This week, the Rambam Mesivta had its first week of Club Hour! Club Hour is a weekly time on Wednesdays allotted for students to join a club of their choice. Rabbi Yitz Milworn, Rambam’s new Director of Student Activities, offered students a menu comprised of close to 25 clubs to choose from. Everything from Music Appreciation to Skill-and-Tell, to Sofer Society, to Mixed Martial Arts was on the table.

In the end, the students selected which clubs to form and spent this past Wednesday pursuing their interests. For example, the STEM Club, run by Senior Shmuel Rabinow, met to discuss plans to build BattleBots this year. The Boardgame Club, led by Senior Netanel Mannon, has a yearlong competition playing new games, which culminates in a championship game with the winner earning a trophy and free boardgames. In the World Culture Club, Elazar Schwartz (Senior) gave a presentation on Movie Culture, which featured many snacks for students to eat during the presentation. In addition to those, the school is also running Knee-Hockey, Sports Club, MMA Club, Chess Club, and an Entrepreneurship Club. Students remain excited to continue with their clubs of choice!

In addition to Club Hour, Rambam’s extracurricular activities motto of “A Team for Every Talent. A Club for Every Curiosity. A Place for Every Person” is alive and well with a number of the school’s other times that don’t meet during Club Hour up and running. Students are actively engaged in Parshah Yomis, Aviation Club, Mock Trial, Masmidim Extra Learning, Writers’ Guild, Meet The Author Book Club, the new Tzitzis and Tradition Club (run by Rabbi Yossi Ziskind and Freshman Dovid Rabinow), Lashon Tov Club, College Bowl, Marvel STEM Club, and more!


There is indeed something for everyone at Rambam!

By Daniel Stein (Senior)