This past Monday was October 7. This date will live in infamy for the foreseeable future, but if commemorated appropriately, can be a very meaningful and inspirational experience. For talmidim and rebbeim at MTA, it was a powerful morning filled with meaning – through song, t’filos, and learning.

MTA joined Heichal HaTorah and TABC for an achdus event. With over 800 talmidim from three schools, as well as rebbeim, the room was packed in the best way possible. Rabbi Krohn, head of the RCBC, introduced the program with striking words to frame the day. After a moving video by Doron Peretz, Rabbi Daniel Kalish led everyone in song and words of chizuk. Even if the program ended there, it would have been a meaningful experience for everyone in attendance, but there was more that elevated the day.

Collectively, each yeshivah learned Mishnayos, and on Monday morning completed Shishah Sidrei Mishnah and participated in a siyum led by rebbeim from each yeshivah. Instead of dancing and a seudah to mark the accomplishment, a kumsitz led by Simcha Leiner concluded the event. The line up could not have been better, and the experience was something that will be remembered by all in attendance.

It speaks to the power of am Yisrael that October 7 instilled in everyone a newfound realization for the importance of achdus. Having three community yeshivos joined together for an event makes a powerful statement that should not be overlooked. MTA was proud to be a part of the event, and, im yirtzeh Hashem, will be able to join their brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael soon with the Geulah Sh’leimah.