YCQ powerfully and poignantly commemorated the first anniversary of October 7 with age-appropriate and meaningful programming.
The Junior High School gathered for a special tekes and kumsitz in the shul. With the lights dimmed, surrounded with yahrzeit candles, students sat in circles and came together to reflect and daven. Rabbi Landsman opened the ceremony by relaying an unbelievable message of g’vurah from Rabbi Shmuel Slotki, someone who tragically lost two of his sons, Noam and Yishai, defending Kibbutz Alumim on that day.
Interspersed between stories their classmates told about the unimaginably brave heroes from October 7 and beyond, students sang their hearts out to various songs and t’filos, including “Acheinu” and the “Mi SheBeirach” for the IDF.
Upstairs in their classrooms, the fourth and fifth grade students participated in a “United in Tefilah” Zoom program with 20 other schools and close to 3,000 yeshivah students from around the country. They sang together, recited T’hilim, and heard words of chizuk.
Both ceremonies were extremely powerful and truly left a lasting impression on all those who participated.