Colors: Blue Color

The glowing description of the development at 77-39 Vleigh Place given last week by developer Avi Matatov was not shared by some of the site’s neighbors, who expressed concern for congestion in Kew Gardens Hills. “It is a beautiful development, but it is much too big,” said Stan Norwalk, who lives five blocks from the construction site. “I am worried about people being able to get to their places.”

Last week, we reported on the new lines drawn by state lawmakers that were designed to ensure gains for Democratic candidates and incumbents. One such example is the Third Congressional District, which covers the north shore of Long Island, the portion of Queens east of the Cross Island Parkway with a sliver of Bay Terrace, plus communities in the Bronx and Westchester on the shore of Long Island Sound.

The Congressional Lines

The redistricting lines proposed by a state panel heavily favor the Democrats, befitting of their supermajority in Albany. While the state will lose a Congressional seat based on last year’s census results, the Party seeks to pick up representation among those remaining by drawing Republican incumbents into districts where party registration leans heavily toward Democrats.