Event will feature Rabbis Oelbaum And Feiner
Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld zt”l had a tremendous impact on bringing the Queens-based Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center to the Orthodox Jewish market. Over his decades of influence, Rabbi Schonfeld was a vital leader and effective spokesperson for the entire Jewish community and led the charge of the facility becoming fully kosher. His vision, guidance, and constant support allowed Margaret Tietz to welcome the frum community with open arms.
Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld’s stewardship of this effort will be reflected on this upcoming Tuesday evening, April 27, at 7 p.m. by his son Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, rav of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills. The program’s momentum will be moderated by Rabbi Zavel Pearlman, the Coordinator for Jewish Affairs at Margaret Tietz.
“Serving Hashem with True Simchah” will be the impactful theme of Rabbi Eytan Feiner’s passionate address. Rabbi Feiner is a driving force in the Far Rockaway and Five Towns area as rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel, The White Shul.
The evening will also feature moving words of motivation from Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum, renowned poseik and rav of Khal Nachlas Yitzchok in Kew Gardens Hills. The rabbi will speak on the topic of “Recognizing the Blessing of Life.”
Viewers will also enjoy remarks by Rabbi Chaim Schwartz, executive vice president of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens, who gives the certification for the center.
“We are extremely excited to bring together leading rabbanim who have made a tremendous impact on the Jewish world,” said Mrs. Linda Spiegel, director of public affairs for Margaret Tietz. “This presentation culminates many weeks of planning and brings our communities an unprecedented opportunity to gain inspiration and chizuk, at a time when we are beginning to emerge from a difficult period. The speakers are excited, our facility is encouraged, and it is our hope that we can stimulate you with these impactful words. Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld was larger than life in acts and deeds as he spread Yiddishkeit far and wide. We bring this program as a remembrance for his actions and as an effort to keep his values, love of family, and love of community in our thoughts. Many are uncomfortable attending live lectures, and it is our pleasure to bring this event at no charge.”
The program will be streamed for the first time on www.events.margarettietz.org.
By Shabsie Saphirstein