Smiles Through Cars and its founder Josh Aryeh, AKA Batman, spread cheer at Queens Hospital Center, a division of NYC Health + Hospitals, this past Thursday morning. The show of appreciation was planned to highlight the devotedness of our frontline workers who continue to risk their lives fighting COVID-19.
Together with the 107th police precinct community affairs officers and Avi Cyperstein, a City Council candidate in district 29, the group delivered breakfast and freshly brewed hot coffee to nurses and doctors in the emergency room bay.
Smiles Through Cars brings supercars to ease the pain and suffering of those who need it most. Often, their crew visits children with special needs or those languishing with illness. Their team is praised for bringing instant smiles that are recalled long after the moment passes, and these same spirits shined in the bright eyes of our local healthcare workers.
“I embrace the role of Batman to do my part in making the world a happier place,” said Aryeh. “Today, we showed up in supercars to give back to Queens’ healthcare superheroes and show that they are appreciated. We must be grateful for our health, as we never know what the next morning may bring.”
The medical staff enjoyed the small token of appreciation, featuring Aryeh’s custom “Batmobile” (Nissan GT-R) and an exotic Lamborghini Aventador, along with a moment of distinction recognizing their sacrifices.
“The healthcare workers were excited to come out and greet us; we must never forget those who give of themselves each day on the frontlines,” explained Cyperstein. “I encourage all of Queens to thank those on the frontlines who continue to fight to gain full control of the pandemic.”
The volunteers anticipate visiting many more local hospitals and continuing to spread messages of positivity in the weeks ahead.