After over a month of being confined to our homes, school children have shown their dedication! Keeping up with school remotely is a major challenge for both children and parents trying to assist in their children’s learning! Thanks to a pop-up global initiative called “Beshivticha B’veisecha” (commonly referred to as The Beshivticha program), hundreds of children got the motivation they needed to bring out their best in these trying times!
The Beshivticha program was created to maximize the z’chus of klal Yisrael through the t’filos, learning, and chasadim of our invaluable tinokos shel beis rabban! Beshivticha participants of all ages are rewarded for davening every day. While virtual class-teaching is not the optimal way to learn, Beshivticha encourages boys to spend their free time reviewing what they learned from their rebbe with a classmate (over the phone) or a family member. The girls are encouraged to spend their free time saying T’hilim and doing chesed by helping out around the house.
The Beshivticha program has a raffle every day for cool prizes and gift cards that accommodate for all ages, with two winners each day! The excitement of our prizes, and the enthusiasm that this global initiative supplies, can give an unimaginable amount of motivation and empower children to do their best! After only a few weeks, we have seen many thankful responses from parents. “Thank you so much for having this program to reward the kids who try their best to be their best,” was just one parent’s feedback!
Any school-age child (pre-K through 12th grade) can participate. Either send a WhatsApp message asking to join to 917-720-7816, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit .
This crucial program, backed by m’chanchim, runs solely on sponsorships and remains free for all who would like to participate. To help our program continue to sustain klal Yisrael, sponsor a day of the program by contacting us.