In the sefer Sh’nei Luchos HaBris, the Shlah HaKadosh writes that one should recite verses corresponding to one’s name before the Yihyu L’Ratzon at the end of the Sh’moneh Esrei as a s’gulah to not forget one’s name on the “Judgment Day.” Many people recite a pasuk from T’hilim that begins and ends with the same letter that begins and ends with their Hebrew name.
The Arizal explains that a person really has two names: one from the side of k’dushah given to him from his father and mother at birth, and a second name that stems from the Sitra Achra, the yeitzer ha’ra. The first name refers to his spiritual strengths, while the second name refers to his spiritual weaknesses, the bad midos that stand in the way of that perfection (Shaar HaGilgulim 23).
The Arizal explains that our mission in life is to strive to identify our spiritual strengths and weaknesses, and to re-channel our spiritual weaknesses in order to ultimately repair and elevate it. According to Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, identifying our unique evil inclination means “knowing its name” in a figurative sense. The wicked, who ignored this task during their lifetimes, are therefore at a loss when asked what their names are. The righteous person, on the other hand, can easily remember his name having dedicated his life to this purpose.
When we are accustomed to saying the p’sukim associated with our name every day, we begin to personally connect to the p’sukim and chapters of T’hilim. We then begin to see more clarity, yishuv ha’daas, and emunah in ourselves, and in those around us.
List of People
Who Need a R’fuah Sh’leimah
(Please recite Psalms
20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.)
Avraham ben Avital
Daniel Mashiach ben Tamar
Avraham Chaim ben Sarah
Daniel ben Avraham
Itai Yaakov ben Tziporah
Efrat bas Oshra
Yafah bas Monavar
Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zisel
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Yehudah Yudel ben Miriam Gittel
Zehavah Golda bas Shoshanah
Yonasan ben Sofia
Ruth bas Miryam
Elisheva bas Miriam
David Chayim ben Leah
Elka bas Yehudis
Shomer ben Hadassah
Aliza Chasidah bas Rachel Shoshanah
Reuven ben Shoshanah
Elimelech Avraham ben Sarah Sheva
Benyamin ben Sarah
David Rafael ben Miriam
David ben Simchah
Chayim Anshel ben Rivkah
Daniel Mashiach ben Tamar
Sam ben Basyah