To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s Communal T’hilim List, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.
The Talmud (P’sachim 117a; Yerushalmi, Sukkah 3:10) states that there are ten types of songs in T’hilim, the Book of Psalms: Ashrei, Brachah, Maskil, Nitzuach, Shir, Nigun, Mizmor, T’filah, Hodaah, and Hallelukah.
All of the mizmorim convey an emotional awareness of Hashem’s involvement in every aspect of our lives. When one is being punished or when tragedy strikes for an unexplained reason, it may be challenging to value the relationship we have with Hashem.
In Parshas VaYeira, when Avraham was on his way to the Akeidah, it says “Va’yar es ha’makom mei’rachok (and he saw the place from a distance).” The Slonimer Rebbe explains that the word ha’makom can also refer to one of the names of Hashem. It is natural that when one goes through challenges, one may feel distant from Hashem, even though we know He is still there.
David HaMelech’s entire life was filled with challenges. He had every reason to feel resentment for finding himself a hunted fugitive after being promised the glory of royalty. Yet he accepted the will of Hashem with humility and love.
David HaMelech teaches us the importance of seeing the goodness and Hashem’s kindness rather than the suffering and travails. To David HaMelech, even the hard times were signs of Hashem’s kindness, because he believed steadfastly that everything Hashem does is for the good even though we don’t understand why.
Our sages teach us that every Yid can find his own life’s situation in a specific kapitel T’hilim. Whether it is a time of great happiness, enormous personal challenge, or, R”l, a time of tragedy, David HaMelech not only experienced it but prepared for all generations a kapitel T’hilim from which one can derive chizuk and which one can use as a way to cleave to Hashem.
List of People Who Need a R’fuah Sh’leimah
(Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.)
Efrayim ben Leah
Shmuel ben Moavar
Reuven Asher ben Yehudis
Efrat bas Oshra
Yafah bas Monavar
Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zisel
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Ruchama Chavah Rachel bas Alta Chayah Esther
Zahavah Golda bas Shoshanah
Yonasan ben Sofia
Ruth bas Miryam
Elisheva bas Miriam
David Chayim ben Leah
Rabbanit Mazal Tov Rira bas Simchah
Sarah bas Yafah
Hertzl ben Sarah
Chayah Sheina Malkah bas Gittel
Ruchama Chayah Fruma bas Perel Miriam Malkah
Tinok ben Moriah Temimah
Ezra Rafael ben Taoos Miriam
Sally Ronit bas Taoos Miriam
Yisrael Meir ben Daphne Bruriah
Chayah Gittel bas Sarah Esther
Yeshayah ben Moshe
Binyamin ben Shirah
Rivkah Esther bas Naomi