The Mishnah in Rosh HaShanah (1:2) teaches us how Rosh HaShanah is different from the other three times of the year (Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukkos) during which we are also judged. Rosh HaShanah, the Mishnah teaches, is different because “Kol ba’ei olam ovrin l’fanav – all who come into the world are judged individually, as they pass before Hashem, as if they are walking in a single file.” This mishnah brings a pasuk in T’hilim (33:15) to explain how Hashem could judge the billions mixed together all over the world as unique, individual creatures. The pasuk says: “Ha’yotzeir yachad libam, ha’meivin el kol ma’aseihem – because Hashem formed every aspect of every being, He can fully comprehend every single individual’s actions, words, and thoughts.”
After this pasuk, David HaMelech continues by teaching us what the consequences are of Hashem comprehending all of our deeds: “A king is not saved by a great army, nor is a hero rescued by great strength. Sham is the horse for salvation; despite its great strength it provides no escape. Behold the eyes of Hashem are on those who fear Him, upon those who await His kindness, to rescue their soul from death, and to sustain them in famine. Our soul longed for Hashem – our hope and our shield is He. For in Him will our hearts be glad, for in His Holy Name we trusted. May Your kindness, Hashem, be upon us, just as we awaited You (ArtScroll translation).”
With these revealing words, David HaMelech paves a pathway for us to follow in our avodas Hashem. Now that we know that Hashem knows every single thing about us, what is it that Hashem really would like to see? As highlighted above, Hashem looks to those who fear Him, who are awed by His all-knowing, all-encompassing, and infinite greatness, and who look to Hashem for His closeness, for His kindness. Surely, if we would fear a lion, a bear, a terrorist, a car that is out of control, we should be in absolute and unfettered awe of the Creator of all creatures and all circumstances and events!
When we realize Hashem’s omnipotence, we also realize that everything we have is wholly the result of His kindness, as we partake of the Royal Table in various ways throughout the day. Throughout the day, we should express our needs to Hashem, and thank Him for what we realize He has given us and continues to give us. As we look at our hopes for the coming year, we must look back at the pasuk above, and realize how powerful its teaching really is, and how crucial it is in our life. If we can remind ourselves of this pasuk daily, we can go far in avoiding the strictness of din, and bring Hashem’s kindness upon us…just as we awaited it!
List of People Who Need a R’fuah Sh’leimah
(Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.)
Efrayim ben Leah
Shmuel ben Moavar
Reuven Asher ben Yehudis
Efrat bas Oshra
Yafah bas Monavar
Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zisel
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Ruchama Chavah Rachel
bas Alta Chayah Esther
Zahavah Golda bas Shoshanah
Yonasan ben Sofia
Ruth bas Miryam
Elisheva bas Miriam
David Chayim ben Leah
Rabbanit Mazal Tov
Rira bas Simchah
Sarah bas Yafah
Hertzl ben Sarah