Amid the bustling neighborhoods of Queens, a silent crisis unfolds, as a substantial number of Jewish students attending public schools are at risk of losing touch with their rich heritage. In Queens alone, nearly 10,000 Jewish public-school students from traditional homes face the challenge of losing their Jewish identity. With the absence of a Jewish educational environment, these children miss out on the fundamentals of their faith, jeopardizing the continuity of Jewish traditions and values.
Enter Chazaq’s Public School to Yeshiva (PSTY) Division, a beacon of hope for families seeking to restore their children’s Jewish identity. Led by Rabbi Ephraim Rubinoff and his dedicated team, the PSTY division operates with a clear mission: to give every Jewish child the chance to embrace a rich and meaningful Jewish education.
Since its inception in 2017, PSTY has quietly but profoundly impacted the lives of over 1,500 children, guiding their transition from public schools to yeshivos. The PSTY Division stands out as a hidden gem within Chazaq, a program that has been quietly working to bridge the gap between public school education and the rich tapestry of Jewish learning. It’s astounding that the wider Jewish community is unaware of the amazing work going on that has such a profound impact on families across the nation.
As an invaluable resource for families, PSTY provides comprehensive support to parents throughout the entire transition process, from the initial stages of education on the yeshivos available, to enrollment, and even with assisting in connecting families with various scholarship and tuition assistance opportunities.
One of the parents who benefited from the PSTY program shared his experience. “I am grateful to the Chazaq team for their help in finding the right school for my children. Through the Chazaq open house, I was able to meet the director of Magen David Yeshivah, the school my son has been attending for two years now. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to put my son into a yeshivah. And now with the Chazaq Organization’s help, I’m able to enroll both my girls in this school, too.”
The success of PSTY is a testament to the commitment of Chazaq to address the diverse needs of the community. From their Shaping Lives Sunday School Program, to their JWave Boys and Girls Teens Division, to the community-wide Chazaq Events Division, Chazaq aims to create accessible pathways for families seeking a Jewish educational environment for all.
As Chazaq’s PSTY Division continues to grow and make a difference in the lives of families, the organization looks forward to expanding its reach and helping more children have access to the invaluable gift of Jewish education.
For media inquiries or more information about Chazaq and the PSTY Division, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..