Colors: Blue Color

Life presents us with many challenges; but by passing our tests, we prepare ourselves for receiving Hashem’s blessings. The key to recognizing a test is to remember that everything comes from Hashem and there is none other than Hashem! Everything that happens to us is His Divine Will!

The Agudath Israel of Kew Gardens Hills is celebrating a major milestone marking fifty years being a beacon of harbotzas torah for Queens. The shul continues putting forth children that are mekadesh shem shamayim striving to lead a life of torah and worldly values representing what it means to be a Jew in the 21st century. The seventies were a fascinating era compiled of world-changing events from the Yom Kippur War to Watergate and the Iranian Crisis and influential personalities like Gold Meir, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Begin and Koch dominating the headlines. ParshasMishpatim marks the monumental establishment of what was then known as the Zeirei Agudas Yisroel of Kew Gardens Hills.

This past Sunday afternoon, February 16, Batman came to save the day at the Yeshiva of Central Queens parking lot in Kew Gardens Hills, where there were lots of smiles and tons of joy with 23 striking cars zooming through. Since 2008, Josh Aryeh, a Lawrence, New York, resident in his early 30s, has been surprising children and sharing delight, founding Smiles Through Cars to ease the pain and suffering of children stricken with illness and those who have special needs.