This past Tuesday, the seventh grade talmidim at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe had the privilege of visiting with renowned sofer HaRav Tzvi Chaim Pincus at Tiferes Stam in Brooklyn. The trip was the culmination of a month-long limud about this important mitzvah. It is perhaps the only mitzvah that a boy waits until his Bar Mitzvah to fulfill.

The newly and almost minted bar mitzvah boys can now feel confident and happy that they will begin to wear t’filin with a fine-tuned knowledge about all the relevant halachos, as well as a thorough understanding of the t’filin-making process. Rabbi Pincus imparted inspiration, information, and insight with his stories, array of materials, and divrei Torah. The delicious pizza and soda lunch was the perfect gashmiyus supplement to this outing of ruchniyus. Special thanks to Rabbi Chaim Schauder, Executive Director, for helping out and joining in on the fun.


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