The excitement was palpable as the Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s pre-1A talmidim celebrated the momentous occasion of receiving their first siddurim along with their parents and grandparents. Having spent the school year learning to read, the boys are now prepared to learn how to daven from a siddur.

This past Monday morning, the pre-1A boys received their siddurim at their Siddur Party in the Ner Mordechai-Sharei Tova ballroom. The boys have been anticipating this huge milestone and have put in much effort in their practice and preparation for the special event. The moros taught and explained to the boys many beautiful songs all about t’filah. At the party, Rabbi May, the Menahel, spoke to the boys about the priceless gift of t’filah – that we are able to speak to Hashem every day – and how proud he, the Yeshiva, and their families are that the boys have reached this milestone.

After the boys recited their parts and sang all the beautiful and meaningful songs, each boy was personally called up and Rabbi May presented him with his own personalized siddur. The party concluded with a celebratory reception of fresh fruits, pastries, candy, snacks, and beverages.

The Yeshiva is grateful to Rabbi Bookson, Mrs. Levine, Morah Lea Karpf, Morah Batsheva Mittel, Morah Tova Kaufman, and their assistants – Morah Perel Chaya Keller, Morah Shira Mittel, Morah Dina Leah Garber, and Morah Adina Finkel – for assisting the boys in developing their k’riah skills. This all new beautiful Siddur Play could not have happened without all the effort and help of all the wonderful and dedicated moros and Early Childhood Director Mrs. Ahuva Levine. Thank you to the Roth family for dedicating the siddurim.