Central held a very meaningful Yom HaShoah program on Tuesday, led by Rabbi Joshua Strulowitz and the seniors from his History of the Holocaust elective. After a brief introduction by Rabbi Strulowitz, the student body was divided into breakout groups. Each group heard from three groups of seniors, each senior group speaking about a European city that was deeply affected by the Holocaust.

These presentations were the seniors’ final project for the course, and the culmination of a semester’s worth of research and writing. Some of the cities presented included Amsterdam, Krakow, Warsaw, Paris, Budapest, and Vilna.

The seniors covered the history of these places before, during, and after the war, intermixing interesting video clips with historical information and personal narratives. At the conclusion of the breakout groups, everyone joined together for a schoolwide conclusion, led by Mrs. Miriam White, Director of Religious Life, who prayed that “we are able to use the memories of the six million to propel us to a brighter future.”

The program concluded with T’hilim, a moment of silence, the Yom HaShoah siren, and the singing of Ani Maamin.

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