Tomchei Shabbos of Queens (TSQ) conducted a successful pre-Pesach chametz drive on the morning of B’dikas Chametz, Sunday, April 21. The program was an opportunity for the greater Queens Jewish community to contribute food items that they might otherwise have been discarding ahead of the chag.

Weekly, TSQ helps over 375 families make Shabbos in a b’kavodik manner. Talmidim of Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe and Yeshiva Ketana of Queens participated in the sorting, including Elie Elias, Betzalel Ehrenkrantz, Yehuda Herman, Henach Sklar, Shua Herman, Yaakov Zev Ehrenkrantz, Ori Harpaz, Yosef Godick, and (not shown) Menachem Levine, pictured from left to right.