This past Motza’ei Shabbos, the YSZ Girls High School was privileged to host a powerful evening dedicated to honoring Israeli soldiers and inspiring their students towards meaningful involvement within klal Yisrael. The event was filled with insightful speeches and activities, motivating the students to contribute to the community in various ways.

Mrs. Rina Zerykier, YSZ’s menahelet, delivered a memorable speech that emphasized dedicating our passion not only through physical acts of kindness, such as donating to the IDF, but also storming the heavens with our prayers and cries to Hashem.

Rebbetzin Amit Yaghoobi shared powerful insights on the idea of miracles, drawing connections to Parshas Lech-L’cha. Her words resonated deeply, emphasizing the significance of belief and faith.

Students channeled their inspiration by collectively finishing the entire Sefer T’hilim, emphasizing the spiritual strength derived from this act.

Alongside this, the recitation of the Mi SheBeirach LaChayalim showcased the unity and care our students hold for those in need.

The night concluded with an uplifting kumsitz led by Mrs. Ruchama Turk, filling the air with melody and unity, binding us together through song and camaraderie.

Abigail M., 10th grade, commented: “I felt the unity in the room. The shared stories and speeches touched each and every one of us.”

Daniella I., 11th grade, commented: “The speeches and the kumsitz were so inspirational. I’m very glad to have spent Motza’ei Shabbos with my YSZ High School family.”

Hodaya Y., 11th grade, commented: “Thank you so much for a beautiful event! My neshamah had so much fun! I had an amazing and spiritual time.”

The evening was a testament to YSZ’s collective strength and determination to contribute positively to the world around them.