Slice of Life

If Only

Nobody tells me what I must write about. The editors give me a free hand and allow me to write...

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When reading the news, many of us have become familiar with various units in the Israel Defense Forces. We read about missions carried out by the Israeli Air Force and Ground Forces (i.e., Combat Engineering Corps, Armored Corps, etc.). We hear about the heroic battles of the various Brigades (Golani, Givati, Nahal, Paratroopers, Kfir, Search-and-Rescue) and Commando Brigades (Duvdevan, Maglan, and Egoz). Although there is some overlap, each unit fills its distinct role. Even if we don’t look at photos or watch videos of their fighting, we can imagine what their battles look like.  Other units contribute to the IDF in unique ways.

While still fighting with his unit deep in Gaza, David,* the commanding officer of my son’s unit, decided that he would organize an evening for the soldiers and their wives/girlfriends after they were all discharged. Two weeks ago, the soldiers and their wives were treated to a beautiful event that took place at the scenic Tel Aviv Port.

Someone came to Hillel and asked him to teach him the Torah while standing on one foot. In my weekly class, Rebbetzin Dina Schoonmaker quoted the Chasam Sofer, who explained what the man meant by his question. The man was asking what would keep him stable when he stood on just one foot. What is the remedy when there are fluctuations in life and things are difficult? Hillel told the man that whatever you hate, you shouldn’t do to others. Strengthening the mitzvos “bein adam l’chaveiro,” between man and his fellow man, will stabilize you. We are living in difficult times. But we see many examples of people thinking past their own needs and looking to help others.

On October 9, 1994, Nachshon Wachsman, a corporal in the IDF, was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and held hostage for six days. The Wachsman family asked that Jews say T’hilim for the safe return of Nachshon. In addition, Esther Wachsman, Nachshon’s mother, asked that women light an extra candle for Nachshon when they lit Shabbos candles that week. Thousands of women lit candles for the first time on that fateful Friday night. Jews all over the world were united in their wish to save Nachshon. We were one.

Behind the men of the Israel Defense Forces stands a powerful force with which to reckon: mothers of chayalim. The mothers are known as lionesses, as are the wives of chayalim who are holding down the Home Front. They support their children and advocate on their behalf. They’ve got their backs. Imahot HaLochamim, The Mothers of Combat Soldiers Foundation, was formed in 2014 during Operation Protective Edge, after which the mothers moved into the background and returned to action during the current war.

The safety of our chayalim is uppermost in our minds. This is always the case, but especially on a day like today when we woke up to the horrific news that 24 chayalim had been killed in combat. Each a world of his own. Each an unfathomable loss. We daven daily, multiple times, that they should return home safe and sound, in mind, body, and spirit.