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We are standing now just a few weeks after the horrid events of the sad Shabbat, that was the day of the Torah’s rejoicing. The wicked who stormed the border wanted to destroy not just the State of Israel, but to erase the name of Israel from the world and the elimination of all Jews. How can we react after these unspeakable acts committed by beasts, not men?

The leading voice of the Hamas Caucus in the House of Representative is Rashida Tlaib, Palestinian American from Michigan. Tlaib’s long history of Jew-hatred rivals that of Ilhan Omar, Linda Sarsour, Louis Farrakhan, and other notable Jew-haters in American politics. A recent report by Canary Mission uncovered that Tlaib doesn’t just support Hamas; Hamas supports Tlaib financially, which helped her get elected in 2018.

 Is anti-Zionism a form of anti-Semitism? This question has raged amongst the intellectual elite for decades. Anyone without an advanced degree and possesses eyes and a brain would be able to answer the question quite easily: Yes. People use hatred for Israel as a stand-in for their hatred of Jews. What they call criticism of the Israeli government is really a call for the country to cease existing. That has never been more evident than in the last few weeks, as attacks and threats on Jews have increased by the very same people who previously claimed it was all about Netanyahu’s policies.

Despite the fact that the tragic events of Simchat Torah, October 7, introduced such pain and sorrow to the Jewish people, the outpouring of love, support, and action from Jews all over the world has been unparalleled. The Jewish people have responded, as Jews often do, with a question: “How?” - “How can I help?” “How can I make a difference?”

There are over two hundred Jews being held as hostages in Gaza. Each of those precious Jewish souls is of infinite value. Bringing them home is a halachic imperative and a stated objective of Israel’s operation in Gaza. But a decision may have to be made as to what happens when the goal of saving Jewish lives today can result in the sacrifice of other Jewish lives and endangering the Jewish people as a whole? A look back at our history and halachic sources will not give us answers but can provide insight.

 When Hamas soldiers broke through a fence and slaughtered thousands of innocent Israelis on that fateful day on October 7, many liberal Jews in America were shaken out of their reverie regarding the Jewish state. For years, the left-wing position on Israel was stuck in the 1990s: land for peace and pursuit of a two-state solution. Reality on the ground was irrelevant to these individuals and groups, and they kept pushing for something that has failed time and time again.