empty Frontlines

The West Does Not Understand The East

The vicious systematic slaughter on October 7 of innocent men, women, and children points out the...

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There were 16,112,566 members of the United States Armed Forces during World War II. It is estimated that 389,292 American veterans from the war were still alive in 2019. On November 8, my beloved father-in-law, Louis Goldstein, passed away, making only 389,291 vets still alive. He was buried with full US Navy honors at the Mount Hebron Cemetery in Queens.

Becoming a rabbi was always a dream of mine. After all, I had two older brothers , a brother-in-law, a mechutan, and a son, R’ Binyomin Yehudah, who were rabbis. It is an honor and a privilege to join them in this illustrious society. I have had so many great and erudite rabbis who have shown me the way, including Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, shita , Rabbi Pinchas Scheinberg, z”l, Rabbi Aron Soloveichik, z”l, Rabbi Nisson Alpert, z”l, Rabbi Amos Bunim, z”l, Rabbi Schulem Rubin, z”l, Rabbi Yehudah Bohrer, z”l, and Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg, shlita, to name just a few. They have all imparted and continue to imbue great love of Torah to the Jewish people. I could never thank them enough.

No president in recent times has done more to change the culture of Washington than President Donald J. Trump. I believe even his critics would agree. In the process, he has been met with tremendous pushback and formidable resistance. There is no question in my mind that the president is fighting for the “soul” of America. The impeachment proceedings have more to do with a “Kulturkampf” than they do with Ukraine.

Just back from Israel and the redo elections. It was a dizzying week for all. If Avigdor Lieberman would give up his shenanigans, then a third election in January may not be necessary. He needs a big bear hug by the right. At the moment, the main victor in this election was the Joint List, whereupon the Arab party became Israel’s third-largest party. Truth be told, if this trend continues, the Arab party can garner over 20 Knesset seats in future elections since they represent 20% of the Israeli population. They are close to that now. Although the Joint List took more votes away from the left, it may just as well have taken seats away from the right as well. When the Arabs vote in droves, which is their Democratic right in Israel, they push the threshold for seats higher and higher, making it harder for the smaller parties to even pass the threshold. This has been a seismic shift in Israeli politics that will only get worse. The Joint List includes Ahmed Tibi, who is viciously anti-Israel. Mahmoud Abbas encouraged Israeli Arabs to vote in order to topple Benjamin Netanyahu. The media never gives Israel any credit for its truly Democratic way. The Arabs never took advantage of Israel’s democracy until recent times. They would always cut their nose to spite their face. Not anymore. This is the real take-home message of this election. This is the upheaval that Israel now faces.

No president in recent times has done more to change the culture of Washington than President Donald J. Trump. I believe even his critics would agree. In the process he has been met with tremendous pushback and formidable resistance. There is no question in my mind that the president is fighting for the “soul” of America. The impeachment proceedings have more to do with a “Kulturkampf” than they do with the Ukraine.

Venezuela is in crisis. Although the Trump administration has given a big boost to opposition leader Juan Guaido, despot and dictator Nicolas Maduro still remains in power. It had become one of former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s chief initiatives. Progress had been made and it is the hope of all that President Trump will continue his strong backing of Juan Guaido. It is in the interests of the free world to make sure we get to the finish line on this vital mission.