What are the super-wealthy so worried about?  Why are they selling so much stock, buying land, and building bunkers?  Maybe they think the sky is about to fall.  Or maybe they’re afraid of something worse: the economy will crash, a terrible apocalypse is imminent, or the world’s craziness will go completely out of control. 

Think about Asian tigers, and countries like China, Japan, and South Korea come to mind.  Vietnam is not one of them – at least not yet.  But that could change soon enough, as it is expanding ties with economic partners around the world, developing relationships with others, and has implemented economic policies and reforms favorable to business.  Even as we are watching, it is becoming a regional economic power to be reckoned with and flexing its muscles. 

Disney made its reputation early in Hollywood’s history by producing animated films, cartoons, and the like.  Even decades later, they still have plenty of appeal and charm, but the company’s long-term ambitions went far beyond the silver screen.  And as the company grew, the Disney brand became famous, trusted, highly-regarded, and brought in streams of revenues and profits.