Colors: Blue Color

On Sunday evening, January 31, Dr. Shmuel Shields, certified nutritionist, shared a life-changing lecture at Congregation Chasam Sofer in Kew Gardens Hills. Community members attended with social distancing and masks, and also on Zoom.

On Sunday evening, January 17, Rabbi Heshy Kleinman, author of Praying with Fire and well-known speaker, shared an illuminating virtual shiur on t’filah. Rabbi Kleinman shares a shiur on t’filah every Sunday night at 8 p.m. on Zoom. The shiur is sponsored by Chazaq, the V’ani Tefillah Foundation, Hakhel, Project Inspire, and TorahAnytime. Hakhel is an organization based in Brooklyn that runs Torah programs.

On Monday evening, January 11, Rabbi Shmuel Reichman, author, educator, speaker, coach, and founder and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy, shared a fascinating and deep shiur on the concept of numbers in connection with Judaism. He illuminated how there is a deep connection between numbers and Torah in a way that changed this writer’s view of math and numbers in general. Math was never my strong interest, but this new way of looking at numbers gave me a better appreciation and awe of the depth and intricacy of Torah and its connection to math.