Colors: Blue Color

The Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills began their 72nd Anniversary Dinner on Sunday, December 17, with renditions of the “Star Spangled Banner” and “Hatikvah” that filled the main sanctuary with a feeling of love and appreciation for our two beloved nations. With the war in Israel against Hamas on the front of everyone’s minds, Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt, mara d’asrah, continued with Psalm 121, turned to in times of crises. These words resonate for all our community’s volunteers as we go out to help another yid. As our readership is aware, I was chosen as the Community Service Honoree and can attest that Hashem’s hand is always present especially when engaged in avodas hakodesh for the klal.

Coalition for Jewish Values, representing over 2,500 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in American public policy, today condemned The New York Times newspaper for publishing, without critical comment or rebuttal, an op-ed by a member of the Hamas terror organization blaming Israel for the destruction of Gaza City.

Congratulations to Moshe Anapolle, Elie Beer, Eli Dyckman, Yaakov Erdfarb, Naftali Frankel, Yitzy Rosenbluth, and Avichai Tarshish (not pictured), who were admitted to Yeshiva University Honors under its Early Decision program. Each of them was awarded a $25,000 scholarship to YU. Some will be enrolling in the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Honors Program at Yeshiva College, the others in the Business Honors and Entrepreneurial Leadership Program at the Sy Syms School of Business.

Yeshivah boys who attend Pirchei of Kew Gardens / Richmond Hill Shabbos afternoon programming were treated to an exciting ice-skating trip saluting their regular attendance to the weekly Torah-based innovative extracurricular programming aimed at engendering joy and pride in Yiddishkeit from youth. This past Motza’ei Shabbos, December 23, enthusiasm built as the school bus filled with energetic smiles at Khal Adas Yereim of Kew Gardens, where the branch, one of over a hundred nationally, meets since inception. Upon return, the talmidim thoroughly enjoyed fresh pizza at a terrific melaveh malkah at the long-standing Metropolitan Avenue beacon of Torah for all ages.

This week’s parshah states, “Yisrael bowed towards the head of the bed.” (47:31). Did Yaakov Avinu bow to his son [Yosef]? Rashi explains: Yaakov Avinu turned himself toward the head of the bed. Based on this, our Sages taught (Shabbos 12b), “The Sh’chinah resides above the head of an ill person.”