The Kanfei Yud Beis 6th Grade Bas Mitzvah Program is underway at the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens. It began with a surprise breakfast in the gym, which was beautifully set up and decorated. The girls were introduced to the “Kanfei Yud Beis” – Wings of Privilege Program, to invoke the attitude of privilege and potential when turning twelve and becoming a bas mitzvah. Mrs. Jurkowitz, Limudei Kodesh principal, began the program by recounting her own bas mitzvah experience. She then described the story of the bird that discovers that its heavy wings, when used correctly, are, indeed, not a burden, but the greatest gifts for soaring high. Each girl was able to relate to her own “wings of privilege” represented by the Torah and the mitzvos, which should never be looked upon as a burden, but rather to be fully utilized as a bas mitzvah.

This year, we are privileged to have Mrs. Yocheved Deitsch implementing our program. She will be presenting bi-monthly workshops to the girls. The goal of the workshops is to make the learning experience of this milestone a meaningful one, filled with purpose, growth, and practical inspiration. Mrs. Deitsch is excited to take this journey with the girls, emphasizing that she will focus on the feelings and concerns of the girls as they introspect and share.

The program continued with the 7th graders singing the Kanfei Yud Beis theme song as a beautiful slideshow presenting the theme was shown to the girls. The theme song was then taught to the girls and sung together! The girls immediately picked up the tune and sang it beautifully, internalizing its message.

To culminate the breakfast, the girls received their own mini-scrapbook albums, which they decorated beautifully. Each Kanfei Yud Beis Bas Mitzvah Workshop will be creatively depicted in the album. It will also be interspersed with pictures and memories of these uplifting “get-togethers.” Towards the end of the year, an evening is being planned for mothers, grandmothers, and daughters. We look forward to making this program a memorable experience for our talmidos. They will learn that they each have a magnificent set of wings, with which they can achieve their best, and be their best, by cherishing the priceless mitzvos of our Torah.