Aaron Shlomo Applebaum on the birth of a grandson, born to Dovid and Shoshana Menache

Rabbi Yisroel and Shavie Benedek on the birth of a grandson, Tzvi Yehuda, born to Michael and Dena Szpilzinger of Spring Valley

Mark and Gitty Bodner, Rabbi Zvi and Yocheved Bajnon, Jacob and Diane Shuster, and Rabbi Chanania and Rosalie Himy on the birth of a great-grandson, born to Pinchus and Shaindy Himy. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Moishe and Rivkie Bajnon, and Yosef and Yael Himy; and to the great-great-grandmother, Sara Gross.

Suzanne Bodoff, and Yudi and Eva Lefkowitz on the birth of a great-grandson, born to Avi and Erica Bodoff. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Stu and Michelle Bodoff, and Steven and Melinda Hilsenrath

Jay and Karen Daitchman on the birth of a grandson, born to R’ Doniel and Estee Daitchman of Philadelphia

Marshall and Rebecca Dumont on the birth of a granddaughter, Malka (Dree Rhode), born to Keith and Mika Dumont

Meir and Victoria Ehrenpreis on the birth of a daughter. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Dr. Moshe and Elaine Ehrenpreis

Michael and Mimi Fragin, and Yossie and Chanie Bergman on the birth of a grandson, born to Ahron and Estee Fragin. Mazal tov to the great-grandparents, Rabbi Dr. Israel and Evelyne Singer, Gary Fragin, Rabbi Dr. Chaim Zimmerman, and Motel and Tzila Bergman.

Eli and Katie Goldberg on the birth of a daughter, Rory Belle

Binyamin and Miriam Goldman on the birth of a daughter, Henna Rochel

Drs. Shimshon and Miriam Greenberg, and Rabbi Hillel and Attara Waxman on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Elazar Simcha and Shaindy Waxman. Mazal tov to the great-grandparents, Dr. Moshe Ballabon, Gene and Barbara Richter, and Rena Waxman.

Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi Greenberg on the birth of a daughter

Eli and Sarina Hofstatter on the birth of a son. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Eli and Chanie Goldbaum, and Robi and Chani Hofstatter.

Yitzi and Esti Kantor on the birth of a son, Yonason Efraim

Tzvi and Perri Keilson on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Shlomo and Chavie Keilson. Mazal tov to the great-grandparents, Rabbi Lloyd and Beth Keilson.

Josh and Barbara Klapper, David and Marcia Kreinberg on the birth of their granddaughter, Yehudit Sara, born to Rabbi Yitzie and Tova Klapper of Ramat Beit Shemesh. Mazal tov to the great-grandmother, Rose Klapper.

Josh and Rivkie Lamm on the birth of a grandson, Ezra Zev, born to Yehuda and Angela Lamm of Pittsburgh

Leon and Keved Mayer on the birth of a daughter

Ben and Channi Packer on the birth of a daughter

Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Price on the birth of a daughter, Devorah Itta

Mr. and Mrs. Serayah Raphaely on the birth of a son

Abe and Ruth Ringel on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Charlotte Nora, born to David and Lauren Weiss of Manhattan

Rabbi Hayim and Sharon Schwartz on the birth of a granddaughter

Rabbi Moshe and Batya Shimoni on the birth of a daughter

Ari and Atara Stawis on the birth of a daughter

Neil and Marcie Stein on the birth of a grandson, born to Rabbi Tzvi Moshe and Tziporah Stein

Mechel and Chana Steinmetz, and Rebbetzin Chaya Mintz on the birth of a great-grandson, born to Rabbi Chaim Osher and Bracha Fink. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Rabbi Gershon and Elisheva Fink, and Rabbi Meir and Shana Krupnik.

Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss, Rabbi Nechemia and Rheta Zabrowsky, Margaret Arenias, and Rabbi David and Elaine Marshall on the birth of a great-granddaughter, born to Yosef Dov and Miriam Strauss of Ramat Beis Shemesh. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Rabbi Avraham (Aaron) and Elisheva Strauss, and Rabbi Shimon and Naomi Arenias.

Rabbi Moshe and Sheva Turk on the Bar Mitzvah of a grandson Avi, son of Rabbi Yaakov and Rena Goldman

Stuie and Terri Wagner on the birth of a grandson, Shulem Yechezkel (Spencer Charles), born to Josh and Aviva Waxler of Woodmere. Mazal tov to the great-grandparents, Max and Audrey Wagner.

Mr. and Mrs. Zev Weiss on the birth of a daughter, Leora



Shomer and Shila Israelian on the Bar Mitzvah of Yosef

Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Jakubovics on the Bar Mitzvah of Eliezer

Netanel and Sara Munk on the Bar Mitzvah of Reuven Gadiel, Gadi. Mazal Tov to the grandparents, Shoshana Moskowitz, Dr. Eli and Enid Purow, and Rabbi Gavriel and Naomi Munk.

Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Schauder on the Bar Mitzvah of a nephew

Joseph and Chaya Sheinman on the Bar Mitzvah of Simmy. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Gedalia and Linda Cohen, and Irving and Helen Sheinman.

Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Zipper on the Bar Mitzvah of Henoch



Ezra Eliyahu of North Woodmere to Esther Yanchak of Berlin

Eli Klein of Far Rockaway to Rochel Leifer of Lakewood

Rabbi Paysach J. and Rebbetzin Miriam Krohn on the engagement of a grandson of Baltimore

Zahava Noble, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Simcha Noble, to Yitzy Rosenberg of Monsey. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Pacht.

Abe and Ruth Ringelon the engagement of a granddaughter, Anna Zborowski to Dvir Ofer

Ahron Dovid Saslow of Far Rockaway to Kaila Gordon of Lakewood

Rabbi Dovid and Rebbetzin Spiegel on the engagement of a granddaughter, daughter of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Sender Glick

Bracha Steinfeld of Far Rockaway to Elchonon Lieberman of Flatbush

Yocheved Stern of Lawrence to Yoni Cohen of Monsey

Dovi Tepfer of Cedarhurst to Leeba Engel of Flatbush

Jerry Todres on the engagement of his granddaughter, Chani Todres, daughter of Moishe and Leora Todres of Lakewood to Yishai Hill, son of Yaacov Yosef and Ruchi Hill of Lakewood

Daniel Watman, son of Rob and Rivky Watman, to Elisheva Mirwis, daughter of Etan and Valerie Mirwis of Teaneck

Rikki Weis of Woodmere to Avi Newman of Passaic

Jenny Woislavsky, daughter of Irwin and Judy Woislavsky, to Sam Florin, son of Mark and Linda Florin of Atlantic Beach



Dina Adler, daughter of Eli and Aliza Adler, to Shalom Saffer, son of Boruch Aaron and Sheindy Saffer

Simi Benjamin on his marriage

Adam and Chanie Cohen on the Bar Mitzvah of Yaakov. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Sarah Barbanel, and Michael and Dahlia Cohen.

Malka Fox, daughter of Dr. Josh and Shiffy Fox, to Baruch Florence, son of Dr. Isaiah and Susie Florence. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Josh and Fran Eisenstein, Rabbi Samuel and Miriam Fox, and Saul Fruchter.

Rabbi Lavi Greenspan, son of Bernie and Yehudit Greenspan, to Nechama Darrow, daughter of John and Zora Darrow of Denver

Moishy Moseson, son of Yakov Shlomo and Rivka Moseson, to Miriam Ginsberg, daughter of Sholom and Estee Ginsberg. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Max and Sarah Perlstein, and Rochel Moseson.

Shevi Perlysky, daughter of Dov and Laya Perlysky, to Justin Zisholtz, son of Gordon and Sharon Zisholtz. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Morty Davidowitz, Charlotte Weinstock, and Helene Zisholtz.

Daniella Prero, daughter of Josh and Michelle Prero, to Avi Small of Cleveland. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Tommy and Janet Sandel.

Rebbetzin Trani Rosenblatt on the marriage of a grandson, Chaim Meir Rothberg, son of Aharon and Bat Sheva Rothberg to Tzipporah Amster of Passaic

Jacob and Rebecca Schwartzman on their marriage

Rivka Travis, daughter of Batya Travis, to Simcha Yaakov Kohler, son of Mordechai Tzvi and Basha Kohler